I'm in a rut!

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I started a part time job and haven't given myself time to blog, or exercise, or really pay close attention to what I'm eating.

I haven't lost anymore weight. I didn't go to Zumba Tuesday night. I am trying to motivate myself to go tonight though! I work nights mostly and I find that I don't really have time for dinner and my last snack of the day. The problem is that I don't pay attention to my stomach and then I clock out and realize that I didn't have anything to eat in the 5 hour span I worked, not so good. I even brought something to eat!

I received an email the other day for a free week at Curves. I keep seeing the commercials for their Zumba circuit and really want to try it. My local Curves, however, doesn't have it, yet.

I also canceled my order  for the Carb Lovers Diet, it said it would take 2 weeks to get here...TWO WEEKS!! I am not patient enough to wait 2 weeks for a diet book. I do have the Biggest Loser cookbook in my storage unit, I may have to go dig that out and give that another shot. You all know how much I love/envy the Biggest Loser!

So here is to a new re-start! I need to keep myself motivated and start really caring about my body and health. I have done this before, I lose then I quit. Doesn't quite make sense, you think losing would motivate me to keep going but since I am so overweight it is hard for me to notice the results of my hard work.

Here we go..again!


  1. Come on Lacy. Get focused and stick with it. You can do it!



  2. Have you heard of tryfoodlovers.com? It is a program based on eating regular food since its really hard to "diet" and then getting sick of dieting and then gaining all the weight you lost when you go back to eating normal food. From what I understand you just have to eat your "regular" food in a more wise way, obviously scaling back how much you eat. It also stresses eating often like you said. Anyway, I'm not going to order the program b/c I believe I can do what he says to do. It sounds like an easy plan though b/c you get to eat normal food and don't feel like you're on a diet. Just thought I would throw that out there to you. Way to go on the 6lbs down over the weekend!

  3. And you didn't hear this from me but....Curves isn't the best option. I used to work there and for some reason people don't get the right type of workout in order to lose weight. I had women who came in and worked out 3-4 days a week for the 30 minutes, changed their diet and still didn't build the muscle...they actually gained fat! Just a heads up...I have the low down if you wanna know ;-)


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